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Whether you’re after a quick answer to a question or you’re looking to meet people you can bounce ideas off of or get inspiration from, there are certain things that you need to know if you want to make the most of any online community. It’s about more than just following the rules and not getting banned; it’s about knowing how to find and use the resources that are available to your best advantage.

无论您是想快速回答问题,还是想结识能跳脱思路或从中获得灵感的人,如果您想充分利用任何在线社区,都需要了解某些事情。 这不仅仅是遵守规则而不是被禁止。 这是关于了解如何查找和使用对您最大有利的资源。

The first point to remember is that everyone was new once—both to the forum and to the web development industry as a whole. Most of us had an “I hope they don’t think I’m stupid for asking this” moment, whether it was here at SitePoint or off at some other forum. For every person who entertains this thought and asks the question anyway, there are 100 people that benefit from the answer. So take the plunge.

要记住的第一点是,每个人都是新手,无论是论坛还是整个Web开发行业。 无论是在SitePoint还是在其他论坛,我们大多数人都有一个“我希望他们不要问这个问题我很愚蠢”。 对于每个接受此思想并提出问题的人,都有100个人可以从答案中受益。 因此,请尝试一下。

救命! (Help!)

The most important factor that you should know is where you can go for help. A forum will usually have a set of guidelines available for reading. The SitePoint forum can be found beneath the grey navigation bar up the top left of the page. Here at SitePoint we like to call them FAQs because that makes them sound less like rules – but in order to make them obvious we’ve added in the ‘R’ word.

您应该知道的最重要因素是可以寻求帮助的地方。 论坛通常会提供一组可供阅读的指南。 您可以在页面左上方的灰色导航栏下方找到SitePoint论坛 。 在SitePoint上,我们喜欢称它们为FAQ,因为这使它们听起来不像规则-但是为了使它们更明显,我们在“ R”字中添加了名称。

If you’re unable to find the advice you seek, your next step would be to contact a staff member. The easiest way to find which staff members are online is to look for the list of currently active users; most forums have one. At SitePoint, go to the forum home page and scroll to the bottom. There you’ll see all the currently active users (shown in )—and they’re color-coded like this:

如果找不到所需的建议,则下一步是与工作人员联系。 查找哪些工作人员在线的最简单方法是查找当前活动用户的列表。 大多数论坛都有一个。 在SitePoint上,转到论坛主页,然后滚动到底部。 在这里,您将看到所有当前活动的用户(如图所示 ),并且它们使用了以下颜色标记:

  • Red: the Community Manager (and forum administrator)

  • Green: Advisors, who moderate the forums. They can move, edit, and delete posts, as well as deal with members causing any problems.

    绿色:顾问,主持论坛。 他们可以移动,编辑和删除帖子,以及与引起任何问题的成员打交道。
  • Orange: Mentors, who act as eyes and ears for the moderators, and are there to give you advice and point you in the right direction.

  • Blue: Team Leaders, who lead teams of Advisors and Mentors.


Figure 1. The Currently Active Users display at SitePoint

图1. SitePoint上的“ 当前活动用户”显示

who's online

You can contact any of these people for help. The best way to do this is to send them a PM (or private message). More on this in a little bit.

您可以与任何这些人联系以寻求帮助。 最好的方法是向他们发送PM(或私人消息)。 对此有更多的了解。

Of course, the way a forum works is that everyone helps each other. So within SitePoint, you’re welcome to post in the Forum Support area and you’ll no doubt be inundated with advice from the community.

当然,论坛的工作方式是每个人都互相帮助。 因此,在SitePoint中,欢迎您在“论坛支持”区域中发帖,毫无疑问,您会被社区的建议所淹没。

我该如何伸出援手? (How do I reach out?)

There are several ways to contact other forum members here at SitePoint. The most common is the aforementioned PM. There’s more than one way to send a PM, but the easiest is to click on a person’s username and select Private Message from the menu pictured in .

在SitePoint上有几种联系其他论坛成员的方法。 最常见的是上述PM。 发送PM的方法不止一种,但是最简单的方法是单击某人的用户名,然后从中的菜单中选择“ 私人消息

Figure 2. The username menu



You have the ability to track your PMs, which will enable you to see when the recipient has read your message. You need to remember to enable that option before you hit send on the message. Above and to the left of the Submit Message button is a list of additional options, shown in . One of those is Request a read receipt for this message.

您可以跟踪自己的PM,这将使您能够查看收件人何时阅读了您的邮件。 您需要记住启用该选项, 然后再单击发送消息。 Submit Message按钮的上方和左侧是其他选项的列表, 。 其中之一是请求此邮件的已读回执 。

Figure 3. Private Message options


PM options

我该怎么做才能让你喜欢我? (What can I do to make you like me?)

Well, there are a few ways you can endear yourself to other forum members. The most obvious is to behave. One of the most important factors to keep in mind when you’re in a forum is that everyone is there to learn. No one likes a school bully, and we have a particular dislike of like bullies here at SitePoint. They certainly won’t be tolerated in most communities. When hundreds of thousands of people from different backgrounds come together, there are likely to be differences of opinion. That’s cool—it’s what makes the place interesting. It does mean that on occasion you’ll probably have to bite your tongue. There are days when it feels like I’ve bitten mine off. But I’ve also made some great friends.

好吧,有几种方法可以让您吸引其他论坛成员。 最明显的是表现。 在论坛中要记住的最重要因素之一是每个人都可以学习。 没有人喜欢学校的恶霸,在SitePoint,我们特别喜欢恶霸。 在大多数社区中,当然不会容忍它们。 当成千上万来自不同背景的人聚集在一起时,可能会有意见分歧。 太酷了-这就是使这个地方变得有趣的原因。 这确实意味着有时候您可能不得不咬舌头。 有时候我感觉自己被我咬了。 但是我也交了一些很好的朋友。

Because a forum attracts people that are brand new to a subject, it means that you’re bound to come across questions that you think are stupid. You’ll probably ask some dumb ones at some stage too, so make sure you treat everyone you come across in the same way that you’d like us to treat you. I realise that this might sound as if I’m talking down to you, but it’s amazing how many people forget it. The key points to remember are to be patient, supportive, and polite.

因为论坛吸引了一批刚接触该主题的人,这意味着您一定会遇到自己认为很愚蠢的问题。 您可能还会在某个阶段问一些愚蠢的人,因此请确保您以遇到我们希望您对待我们的相同方式对待遇到的每个人。 我意识到这听起来好像我在跟你说话,但是令人惊讶的是有很多人忘记了它。 要记住的关键点是要有耐心,支持和礼貌。

好的,我会很好。 我还应该做什么? (Okay, so I’ll be good. What else should I be doing?)

Well, there are a few things actually. I’ll go into them in detail now.

好吧,实际上有一些事情。 我现在将详细介绍它们。

The first of these may seem like common sense, but you’d be surprised at how many people are caught out by it. I’m talking about spam.

其中的第一个似乎是常识,但是您会惊讶于有多少人被它吸引住了。 我说的是垃圾邮件

垃圾邮件? ?? 我绝对不会那样做。 (Spam? Huh? There’s no way I’d do that.)

I’m sure it’s unintentional, but sometimes spam is in the eye of the beholder. You might have just written what you consider to be the most amazing free script known to humankind. You’ve signed up to a forum with the sole intention of sharing it with as many people as possible, because that’s the kind of generous person you are. Now consider it from the moderator’s point of view. They see a new member come on board and their very first post happens to be a link back to their own site. That, my friends, looks very much like spam. At SitePoint, we have some very careful guidelines regarding what we term “self-promotion,” so make sure you have a thorough read of those before you make that super-generous first post.

我敢肯定这是无意的,但有时情人眼中会出现垃圾邮件。 您可能刚刚编写了您认为是人类已知的最神奇的免费脚本。 您已经注册了一个论坛,其唯一目的是与尽可能多的人共享该论坛,因为您就是那种慷慨的人。 现在从主持人的角度考虑它。 他们看到有新成员加入,他们的第一个帖子恰好是返回自己网站的链接。 我的朋友们,那看上去很像垃圾邮件。 在SitePoint,我们对所谓的“自我推广”有一些非常仔细的指导,因此请确保在撰写那篇非常慷慨的第一篇文章之前,您已经对它们进行了全面的阅读。

在不问问题的情况下查找信息 (Finding Information Without Asking Questions)

Believe it or not, there are often better ways to use a forum than by simply asking questions. The very nature of large online communities usually means that a member has probably already experienced the same issue as you. So before you post, there are a couple of tactics you should try.

信不信由你,比起简单地提问,通常有更好的方法来使用论坛。 大型在线社区的本质通常意味着成员可能已经遇到与您相同的问题。 因此,发布之前,您应该尝试几种策略。

The first of these is the sticky threads. A sticky thread is one that’s marked Important: and remains listed at the top of its forum. As the name suggests, these threads are deemed to be important because they usually contain information pertaining to commonly known issues or subjects. Check through the stickies at the top of the appropriate forums. You may want to run a text search if the sticky is huge.

第一个是粘性线程。 粘性线程被标记为“ 重要”:并在其论坛顶部列出。 顾名思义,这些线程被认为很重要,因为它们通常包含与众所周知的问题或主题相关的信息。 查看相应论坛顶部的即时贴。 如果粘性很大,您可能需要运行文本搜索。

If the stickies don’t contain the information that you require, try performing a search. Here are a few search tips to streamline the process for you:

如果即时贴不包含您所需的信息,请尝试执行搜索。 以下是一些搜索提示,可帮助您简化流程:

  • First, figure out which subforum(s) your issue is most likely to fall within. At SitePoint, the option allows you to select multiple forums to search across.

    首先,找出您的问题最可能属于哪个子论坛。 在SitePoint, 选项使您可以选择多个论坛进行搜索。

  • Decide on a relevant keyword or short key phrase. Those keywords will be highlighted in the results when they’re returned.

    确定相关的关键字或短关键字。 这些关键字在返回时将在结果中突出显示。
  • If your issue can be narrowed down to a particular time frame (for example, it relates to a software version that was released last week), enter a date parameter to speed it up.


我的搜索无济于事,所以我需要发表一个问题……哎呀! (My search was fruitless, so I need to post a question … Eek!)

That’s cool, posting questions is what we’re all about. As with your search, the first step is deciding which forum is the most appropriate. No need to freak out about it: if you’ve gone through the wrong forum, one of our friendly moderators will move your post—no harm done.

太好了,发布问题就是我们的全部目的。 与搜索一样,第一步是确定哪个论坛最合适。 无需担心:如果您遇到了错误的论坛,我们友好的主持人之一将移动您的帖子,不会造成任何伤害。

Once you’ve found your forum, look for the new thread button. On the SitePoint forums you’ll find it near the top left, just below the orange sponsor bar, as pictured in . Click that and you’re good to go. There are all sorts of formatting options, but you can worry about those later, once you have the hang of it.

找到论坛后,请寻找新的主题按钮。 在SitePoint论坛上,您会发现它位于左上角附近的橙色赞助商栏的正下方, 。 单击该按钮,您就很好了。 有各种各样的格式化选项,但是一旦掌握了这些,您以后就可以担心它们。

Figure 4. The SitePoint new thread button

图4. SitePoint 新线程按钮

new thread

The two most important guidelines to remember when submitting a new thread are to write a great title and to preview your thread before posting.


A great title is vital because it’s the only part of your post that people see when they’re skimming down the list of new posts. For a question about database indexing, a title that reads “Add index on table containing more than 3 million rows” is far more likely to gain the attention of those that can help you out than a title that says “Newbie needs help!!!”

伟大的标题至关重要,因为这是人们在浏览新帖子列表时看到的唯一部分。 对于有关数据库索引的问题,标题为“新手需要帮助!”的标题为“在包含超过300万行的表上添加索引”更容易引起那些可以帮助您的人的注意。 ”

It’s always a good idea to preview your post before you submit it. That way you can make any necessary changes and check your formatting. Once you post, you only have 30 minutes to go back and edit any spelling or other mistakes. Which brings me to my next tip.

在提交之前预览您的帖子总是一个好主意。 这样,您可以进行任何必要的更改并检查格式。 发布后,您只有30分钟的时间返回并编辑任何拼写或其他错误。 这带给我我的下一个提示。

互联网是永远的 (The Internet is Forever)

Before you post, please think carefully about what you post. These days it’s good business practice to Google your company name every so often to see what people are saying about you. For that reason, if you’re asking for basic advice on how to deal with a difficult client, it would be prudent to avoid naming them.

在您发布之前,请仔细想想你发布信息。 这些天来,经常要Google搜索您的公司名称,以了解人们对您的评价。 出于这个原因,如果您要就如何与困难的客户打交道提出基本建议,请谨慎命名。

Another situation to be mindful of is if you’re working on a client’s website. If you require help getting a drop-down menu to work, it might make sense to upload the example pages to your own server, rather than linking straight to your client’s site—especially if you’ve claimed to be a CSS expert.

要注意的另一种情况是,如果您正在客户的网站上工作。 如果您需要帮助才能使用下拉菜单,则可以将示例页面上传到自己的服务器上,而不是直接链接到客户的站点,尤其是声称自己是CSS专家的情况。

At SitePoint we accept that occasionally people make silly mistakes and we’ll do everything we can to help you out, but we simply lack the time to edit links out of hundreds of posts. So please, think first.

在SitePoint,我们接受人们偶尔会犯一些愚蠢的错误,我们会竭尽所能为您提供帮助,但是我们只是没有时间编辑数百篇文章中的链接。 所以请先考虑。

It’s also important to note that we don’t delete accounts or posts. There are two reasons for this. The first is to retain our database integrity, and the second is because people may learn from your question in the future.

同样重要的是要注意,我们不会删除帐户或帖子。 有两个原因。 首先是保持我们的数据库完整性,其次是因为将来人们可能会从您的问题中学习。

我不确定自己在做什么……我可以练习发贴吗? (I’m a little unsure of what I’m doing … can I practice posting?)

Absolutely. A forum should have a place where you can get your head around stuff before taking the plunge. At SitePoint, that is the General Discussions forum. There is even a thread for new members to introduce themselves. Look out for 

绝对。 论坛应该有一个地方,您可以在尝试之前先了解一下东西。 在SitePoint上,这是“一般讨论”论坛。 新成员甚至都有介绍自己的线程。 留意

Once you’ve introduced yourself, have a browse through the  forum. It is the place to go if you’re sick of geek talk or you just want to have a moan about your weekend, or find other people that share your love of miniature ponies.

自我介绍后,浏览“ 论坛。 如果您厌倦了极客谈话,或者只是想对周末发牢骚,或者找到其他与您一样喜欢小马的人,那么这里是一个去处。

为什么我的帖子下没有其他任何人链接? (Why are there no links under my posts like everyone else?)

Those links are commonly referred to in the forum world as signatures. The purpose of a forum signature is twofold. First, it gives people the opportunity to find out a bit about you. If you’ve made some really informed posts about a subject that they’re interested in, they might click a link in your signature to seek out your services. Second, it gives you an opportunity to advertise your wares.

这些链接在论坛世界中通常称为签名 。 论坛签名的目的是双重的。 首先,它使人们有机会了解有关您的信息。 如果您发表了一些有关他们感兴趣的主题的真知灼见的帖子,他们可能会单击您签名中的链接以查找您的服务。 其次,它使您有机会宣传您的商品。

Unfortunately, this second purpose means that people sometimes sign up to forums just to attempt to link build—create a back-link to a site for SEO (search engine optimization) purposes—and make no meaningful contribution. In order to combat this, most forums become no-follow forums. With a little code, a forum can turn all of the signature links into no-follow links; that means search engine indexing spiders will not follow them, nor use them to enhance search results.

不幸的是,这第二个目的意味着人们有时会注册论坛只是为了尝试建立链接-创建用于SEO(搜索引擎优化)目的的网站反向链接-却没有做出有意义的贡献。 为了解决这个问题,大多数论坛成为不关注论坛。 只需编写少量代码,论坛就可以将所有签名链接变成无关注链接。 这意味着搜索引擎索引蜘蛛将不会跟随它们,也不会使用它们来增强搜索结果。

Signature links form the basis of one of the greatest misconceptions on the SitePoint forums. Signature links will give you no SEO benefits whatsoever. Regrettably, this fails to stop people from trying. As a result we’ve had to put some restrictions in place. New members have to wait 90 days before they’re able to set up a signature. If you see this on other forums they may have a similar restriction.

签名链接构成SitePoint论坛上最大的误解之一。 签名链接不会给您任何SEO好处。 遗憾的是,这未能阻止人们进行尝试。 结果,我们不得不施加一些限制。 新成员必须等待90天才能设置签名。 如果您在其他论坛上看到此内容,则可能会有类似的限制。

有什么我应该特别避免做的事情吗? (Is there anything that I should specifically avoid doing?)

Indeed, there are a few negative elements that can really hurt a community. We ask you to avoid being rude or impatient. Most importantly, never belittle others. Be nice. It’s not that hard.

确实,有一些负面因素会真正伤害社区。 我们要求您避免粗鲁或不耐烦。 最重要的是,永远不要轻视别人。 对人好点。 没那么难。

One aspect that makes online communities very different to other types of communities is that you never talk face to face. That means that there’s no benefit of body language signals. For this reason, it’s a blessing that the emoticon (or smiley) was invented. If you think your post might come across as negative in some way, add a :) at the end to eliminate the sting. The power of a :) is one of the wonders of modern-day communication.

使在线社区与其他类型的社区非常不同的一个方面是,您永远不会面对面交谈。 这意味着肢体语言信号没有任何好处。 因此,表情符号(或笑脸)的发明是很幸运的。 如果您认为自己的帖子可能在某种程度上被认为是负面的,请在末尾添加一个:)以消除这种刺痛。 :)的力量是现代交流的奇迹之一。

如果我认为规则被违反,该怎么办? (If I think the rules are being broken, what should I do?)

This is where another great forum invention comes into play—the flag post button. Most forums have a button or an icon that you can click to draw the attention of a moderator to a post. You might do this for any number of reasons. You might see a post that’s rude or breaks the rules. It might be in the wrong forum, or it might be a fluff post (more on those soon).

这是另一个伟大的论坛发明发挥作用的地方-标记杆按钮。 大多数论坛都有一个按钮或图标,您可以单击它们以吸引主持人对帖子的关注。 您可能出于多种原因执行此操作。 您可能会看到不礼貌或违反规定的帖子。 它可能在错误的论坛中,或者可能是虚张声势的帖子(更多内容即将发布)。

At SitePoint, in the bottom left of each post is a little orange flag icon; in you can see it in the bottom left corner. There will never be enough moderators to look at every post, so we rely on you—the members—to help out. Use the flag post button whenever you deem it necessary, and if you’re in doubt—do it. If a moderator decides that no action is required, then none will be taken, so no harm done.

在SitePoint上,每个帖子的左下角都有一个橙色的小标志图标; 在可以在左下角看到。 永远不会有足够的主持人来查看每个帖子,因此我们依靠您(成员)来提供帮助。 如果您认为有必要,请使用旗标按钮,如果有疑问,请使用它。 如果主持人决定不需要采取任何措施,则不会采取任何措施,因此不会造成伤害。

Figure 5. SitePoint’s flag post icon

图5. SitePoint的标志杆图标

orange flag

那么到底是什么绒毛呢? (So what on earth is a fluff post?)

Ah, the dreaded fluff post is the bane of any forum administrator’s life. Fluff is the pet name given to a post that falls below what members consider to be our post quality standard. People visit forums to read posts that are interesting and contribute to the place. If a forum was full of posts that were there purely to drop links or boost post counts, people would abandon it quickly.

啊,可怕的绒毛帖子是任何论坛管理员生活的祸根。 Fluff是帖子的宠物名称,低于会员认为的我们的帖子质量标准。 人们访问论坛以阅读有趣的帖子,并为该地点做出贡献。 如果论坛上到处都是纯粹用来删除链接或增加帖子数量的帖子,那么人们会很快放弃它。

So here at SitePoint we have a post quality guideline. We accept that English may not be everyone’s first language, so there’s no requirement for your grammar or vocabulary to be perfect. We just ask that every post be:

因此,在SitePoint,我们有一个后期质量指南。 我们接受英语可能并不是每个人的母语,因此并不需要您的语法或词汇完美。 我们只要求每个帖子都是:

  • meaningful: advice with substance

  • relevant: on topic and helpful, rather than generic advice

  • new: information that hasn’t already been said in the thread


This means that “thanks for sharing” or “nice post” fail to make the grade, I’m afraid.


哇,实在太多了! (Wow, that’s a lot to take in!)

It is, so let me summarize the key points:


  • You can gain help by reading the forum guidelines or contacting a staff member. See our .

    您可以通过阅读论坛指南或联系工作人员获得帮助。 请参阅我们的 。

  • The easiest way to contact a member is by using the .

    与成员联系的最简单方法是使用“ 。

  • Be patient, supportive, and polite.

  • Search before posting—your question may have already been answered.

  • Avoid posting links for the sole purpose of self-promotion. SitePoint is a no-follow forum so there’ll be no back-links from us.

    避免仅出于自我宣传的目的发布链接。 SitePoint是一个禁止关注的论坛,因此不会有我们的反向链接。
  • Give your posts descriptive titles.

  • Think before posting; your words will remain on the Internet for a long time.

    发布前先思考; 您的话语将在互联网上保留很长时间。
  • Don’t be afraid to use the flag post button.

  • Ensure that your posts are original, meaningful, and relevant.


好的,还有什么建议吗? (Okay, any last tips?)

Sure, enjoy yourself!





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